My first big product design release, a balisong named the Sentinel, made a lasting impact on my life. It allowed me to discover what it takes to make good products. Seeing how much people enjoyed what I created gave me confirmation that I had some understanding of what it takes to make a good product. I wanted to create more things. More good things. Things that will bring people joy. Things people can pass down for generations to bring even more people joy. And in a world where quality is becoming harder to find, it has never been more important to focus on creating good things.

It Started with balisongs, but became so much more.

you deserve the best. B1rdM4n delivers. now and forever [^<^]

making good products isn't easy, but I do it for all of you lovely people. You deserve it :)

making good products isn't easy, but I do it for all of you lovely people. You deserve it :)

Things used to be built to last. They were designed with great thought and care. Everything today is made to be disposed. There’s no deeper connection between man and the things he uses daily. There’s something enriching about owning a well designed object. Good design combines function and form. When objects are designed well, they become things you WANT to use. You look forward to using that object every day because it invokes a spark of joy with every use. We form a strong bond with the things that make our lives more enjoyable. They become an extension of us. And when these things eventually degrade, a part of us dies. Delaying this inevitability should be a priority in product design. Things should be built to last.

“To create is to pay homage to god. be sure to create something good.”